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If Amenity-Lite Isn't Right

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Welcome to the Topretirements Best Places Newsletter for May 23. We were recently honored to have been named one of the top Retirement Blogs of 2018 by Mason Finance. Here is what they said about us: "Nomen est omen!* A great resource for today’s retiree that helps answer tough questions such as how to find purpose in retirement as well as places to retire in. Beyond that it shares its insights from social security quizzes as well as information around the invisible retirement wrecker."

* We looked up what "Nomen est omen" means in Latin. There is quite a debate about that, but the translation we like is: "(Topretirements) It means that the name hints at the character/true form of the name's bearer, be it an object or a person." Thanks Mason Finance!

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Vancouver, Washington

Not to be confused with the larger Canadian city to the north, this Vancouver is just north of Portland, Oregon, on the Columbia River. As is the case elsewhere in the Pacific Northwest, outdoor recreation is one of the big attractions. The town is a growing artist and music community with a dedicated art district, galleries, and shops.

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As America Ages Out: Where We're Moving

America's birthrate is unexpectedly declining. Population in some areas of the country is declining, meanwhile other parts are growing older and older. Sumter County, home to The Villages, now has the oldest population in the nation.  More »

FInd Your Best Place to Retire

Amenity-Right - What Boomers Want in Their Ideal 55+ Community

Our recent article on Pamela's search for Amenity-Lite communities sparked a lot of comments. Which leads us to the opposite question - what are the right amenities and types of communities? What is it that you are looking for? More »

College Town on the Lakes - Madison, WI

This growing city boasts a bustling economy, a huge university, and an unbelievable setting on the isthmus between 2 lakes. Very green, Madison sports a 30-mile web of paved bike trails that are lit, snowplowed, and biked year-round. Eco-friendly travel around town is a dream with walkable streets and great bus service.   More »

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